Understanding the social world through digital data

The Lab develops interdisciplinary collaborations at the intersection between social science and data science to expand research capabilities and support the next generation of HDR students.

Our projects develop, critique, and experiment with algorithmic systems and the social, cultural, ethical, and political implications of their use. We employ a range of approaches for a critical understanding of big data and computation in their sociotechnical contexts, including digital rights, infrastructures, and communicative practices. Through our events, industry partnerships, and network of affiliates, we aim to build key research capabilities in this rapidly emerging field.


Congratulations Dr. Olga Boichak!

Congratulations Dr. Olga Boichak!

The CSS would like to extend our congratulations to Dr. Olga Boichak for being awarded a DECRA fellowship. Her research will investigate how weaponisation of information and communication technologies affects territorial integrity of sovereign democratic states.


Find out more about the researchers who are part of the Computational Social Science Lab.

People at a CSS event - Computational Social Sciences
Computational Social Sciences


Find out more about the projects run by the Computational Social Science Lab and our publications.


“At the Lab, we acknowledge and critically investigate the assumptions, processes, and ecosystems which underpin the use of computational methods to produce knowledge about the social world.”

— Olga Boichak

CSS Lab - Computational Social Sciences

Stay in touch 

Send an email to francesco.bailo@sydney.edu.au